
I hope you enjoy reading this blog. I will never claim to be an expert on cheese making, goat milking or farming (everyday I learn something new). However, I have learned so much from others who have generously shared their experience in books and on the web and hope to use this blog to pass it on to folks considering goats. I am completely enchanted by these creatures and how they have enriched our life. The amount I have learned since we got our first two goats has been exponential. Now our herd of 21 Nigerian Dwarf Goats is a big part of our daily life and I can't imagine it any other way. This blog will chart the seasons of milking and cheese making as a record for myself and a resource to others who are looking for a window into what it is like to own these adorable mini dairy goats.
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 2 Milking

Ok, so I woke determined to increase my 1/3 cup bounty. Bonnie was a total wash. I decided to see if I could just get her to stand on the milk stand without dancing a wild jig. Finally a bit defeated I put her back with her kid, determined to try again tonight. She can get her head out of the milk stand so I will fix that and then try again when she has a bit less freedom.
Chianti went much better...on one side. I got more out of her than both goats combined yesterday. One side is FULL of milk and she seems happy to have me empty it. The other side seems kind of empty and I can only get a few tiny squirts out. I think we all need a lot more practice. Maybe twice a day milking? Or maybe I need to call in an expert for advice. I probably need to be careful not to create one side wonders or the poor goats will be walking lopsided and I will never get enough milk for CHEESE...which I somehow still believe I will make despite the general lack of milk. Good things take time. Just as I was about to proudly measure my meager milkings (I would guess I had a 1/2 cup), Chianti decided she was done and put her foot in the bowl while laying down.

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